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Page 11
Soon all of the team was standing in shock. “No fucking way,” Alex whispered. It was the face he saw when he closed his eyes.
The anger in the room was palatable. The women stared with worry at them and waited. Someone was going to tell them what was going on, they had to.
Jessie looked at his fallen friend who stared at the picture intently. Mark finally turned to him and nodded. “This shows the beginning, you have to find the end.”
What the fuck did that mean, beginning and end? Hell the fucking psycho had been the end. The end of Team TEN, the end of everything Jessie had counted on. He wanted to howl his frustration.
The anger inside built and Jessie looked around the room desperate for a release. Mason would be good for a scrap, he thought and stared at his grieving friend. Shit, Jessie had nowhere to turn, everyone was feeling the same thing. He could feel the walls closing in around him. He needed to escape, get out, but where?
Vince shifted and pointed to the picture of the blanket. Brin just noticed he was pale and shaking. “I know that. I gave that years ago to a woman I used to work with. Why is that there?”
The room erupted, everyone talking at once. “Wait!” Sable yelled.
There was silence. “What is going on?” Jolie asked.
“I have no idea,” Jessie said and as he turned, she saw the tears on the edge of his eyes. Brin wanted to wrap her arms around him but it seemed like this was not the time. His body was taunt, looking like a snake ready to strike. “But that man is the suicide bomber who killed our teammates.”
Jessie slammed his hand down on the table and then yelled. “He looked us right in the eye and pushed the button that tore us apart.” Brin looked on in horror as Jessie lost the battle that raged inside him.
With a sweep of his hand, he wiped everything from the table. His friends tried to stop him as he raged. Knocking things over before they had to restrain him and pull him from the room. Everyone could feel the living, breathing anger in the room radiating off the men.
The women all sucked in a breath and looked at the board. Someone was trying to send a message, Brin wasn’t sure the men were ready to answer.
Chapter Nine
It had been three weeks since they made the discovery at the motel, and things seemed even more confusing than they had before. The only good thing to come out of it was the guys seemed to finally talk to each other about that fateful day, as well as their feelings.
Jessie had been a mess for a few days, Brin wanted to help, but only the men seemed to be able to get through to him. She was okay with that, as long as someone did. Brin had read up on PTSD again; the way the men were acting was normal, and it may never change. She wasn’t worried, he would never hurt her or Marcus, but the anger and guilt needed a release. She tried to find things online that would help, and began talking to the girls about it.
The pictures were still hanging on the board, but they had only figured out what two of them were. Vince had been making calls for weeks to old friends trying to get info; apparently, the blanket was thirty years old. He was confused as to why it was even in the room. However, seeing the picture of the man who took their friends lives threw all of them into a tailspin. They were angry and Brin didn’t blame them at all.
Jolie had offered to help the men, and each of them had agreed to allow her to call a friend who set up teleconference therapy sessions weekly for them. Brin and the other women had given the men space to deal. It had been hard since they just wanted to fix what was wrong. But they couldn’t, no one could.
Brin understood on one level that Jessie and his teammates had seen things she could not even imagine. Grant and Jessie had spent hours sitting on the beach talking. Brin knew Jessie wouldn’t tell her what was going on. He was protecting her, just like the others were doing with Sable, Jolie, and Arden. Yes, it drove her crazy, Brin just wanted to help. Then she finally had to admit that this was something she couldn’t deal with. They didn’t want her to see the ugliness in the world.
The men still found time to spend with her and Marcus. They continued with their 'courting' as they called it and they were driving her insane with the touches as they passed by her, but the effort that was driving her the most insane was when they would hunt her out in the house just to kiss her senseless, then walk away. Or coming into her room at night, cuddling with her in her bed then just when she would start to make moves on them, up out the bed they would go. Walking out the door telling her 'Soon, sweetheart, it will be time soon'. They were both bastards for leaving her on fire.
Brin shot daggers at the closed door. Tonight had been one of those episodes. She had tried to give them a little relief but as soon as her hands crept below their waist, they were airborne and out the door. She honest to God didn't think she had ever seen men move so fast. Shaking her head, she checked on Marcus, covered him with the blanket and then settled herself back in bed. She thought it would take a while to doze but as she laid thinking of the men she was deeply falling in love with, sleep took her.
“Brin, it is time,” Jessie whispered and she felt the shiver run through her body. She could feel his hands running along her side, and she moaned.
“Hey, sweetheart, it is time for you to take us together,” Grant said and she smiled. They were both here, touching her, trying to drive her crazy. She had wanted this the first time she laid eyes on them together. Brin could see that now.
She knew whose hands were whose. Jessie’s were softer, more teasing, while Grant’s were harder, more insistent. She tried to open her eyes but they refused to cooperate, not while she was wrapped in the sensations of them touching her. If she opened her eyes it would break the spell she was under.
A surprised laugh bubbled inside her throat. All she could think of was how happy she felt surrounded by them. The love she felt. She was still smiling when Grant captured her mouth with no hesitation in his kiss. He took her mouth like he owned it, his tongue tangling with her while he slowly ran a hand up her side.
Not to be outdone, Jessie kissed her neck, and ran his hand down her back, making her arch a little toward Grant. She felt the soft covers moving down her body slowly. The caress of the fabric felt decadent against her skin.
“Isn’t she the sexist thing you have ever seen,” Jessie whispered in her ear. She shivered as they talked about her.
“Yes, and to think she had all of this hidden in the sweats she has been wearing around the house,” Grant said.
“Baby fat,” she whispered back to them.
“Oh, sweetheart, I love every inch of your body, the fact that you carried our child here,” Jessie whispered and moved his hand around her waist. “Only makes you more desirable.”
“I agree.” Grant chuckled and smoothed a hand over her hips. “And these hips, they are perfect. You can't imagine what I have been thinking about doing while holding onto you here.”
Brin only nodded as they continued to explore her body. She refused to open her eyes; shy since this was the first time she had been with both of them.
“You are wet for us, honey,” Jessie said as his hand dipped lower to cover her sex and he growled as he inserted a thick digit into her weeping pussy. She tried to move but Grant held her firm.
“We want you to enjoy this,” Grant said against her mouth before he claimed it again.
She was lost in the feelings of both men with her. Is this what it would be like all the time. The two of them consuming her with their passion. They barely needed to touch her and she was in flames.
Brin rocked against Jessie’s hand sensually. He inserted another finger and placed his thumb at the top of her slit. Rubbing down slowly finding her already swollen nub. With low murmurs of approval, he guided her to quicken her pace. She was moving, fucking herself against his hand while Grant made love to her mouth.
She gasped in surprise as she felt Grant run a hand over her straining nipple. Oh my God, they were going to drive her crazy. Slowly, Grant trailed his fingers from one side to
the other, making her focus on his touch, while Jessie pulled his fingers out and began teasing her clit.
Jessie pressed his body against her back, his thick, hard cock against her ass while his fingers circled her clit, and he whispered, “You want both of us, don’t you honey? Right now all you can think of is how we will feel inside you, both of us making love to you at the same time, only focused on your happiness.”
It was too much, being woken by them touching her, whispering to her, she could feel their desire swirling around her, engulfing her. Their groans of pleasure at the sight of her. How could she not be aroused? She felt a tingling at her core as Grant pulled back, and leaned over, sucking one of her nipples in his mouth suddenly, and it was all it took for a small ripple to flow through her.
“That’s it, sweetheart, just feel for us,” Jessie whispered.
Grant laid back and pulled her with him so she was laying on top of him. He continued his onslaught on her breasts as Jessie moved and helped her straddle Grant's waist. His cock was at her opening, in the perfect spot for her to sink right on him, and she did, feeling every single ripple as he filled her.
Brin threw her head back and moaned, “So good.”
Jessie kissed her neck as he moved behind her. She tensed with the knowledge of what they wanted.
“Ahhh, sweetheart, right there, give Jessie a chance to get you ready,” Grant whispered. “Then we will take you to heaven.”
Jessie ran a hand down her back and stopped when he reached the top of her ass. “You have no idea the things I want to do to this ass. I can imagine you bent over the kitchen table, and fucking you until you scream my name when you are cooking dinner for us.”
“Or, in the shower, having you brace your hands against the wall and taking your pussy from behind,” Grant whispered and ran a tongue across her nipple. Brin could only picture what they were describing.
She heard the pop of a lid and the cool gel being spread against her rear, but she focused on the images they were putting in her head instead of the feel of Jessie’s fingers moving to her back entrance.
“How about on the balcony, you could hold on to the rail, with Grant in front of you, I can see you sucking his cock while I fuck your sweet ass,” Jessie whispered and pushed a finger into her.
Brin moaned and pushed back, wanting more from them. She needed them to take her, prove that she was theirs and theirs alone. Grant held her hips so she couldn’t move, and she grew frustrated as Jessie inserted another finger, stretching her. The burn only heightened her pleasure as he made her ready to take him for the first time there.
It felt so good, “Relax, baby, you can take us. You were made for us.”
Brin could only nod as he moved slowly and took his fingers out of her, then moved behind her. It was time, she knew it, the anticipation was driving her mad. She was shaking, pleasure, pain, how would it feel?
The head of his cock was finally pressing against her backside, pushing against the tight ring of her muscles until she felt the small pop and he was sliding in.
Grant groaned as she felt the tightness of her pussy grow even snugger as his friend slid in next to him. Brin shook a little with the intense feeling and Jessie hung on to her.
“Move,” she pleaded and both of the men chuckled but compiled to her demand.
Jessie pulled out slowly and then they worked together, sliding in and out opposite of each other, driving her crazy until she thought she was going to come apart. The feelings she was having were amazing. Each of them claiming a piece of her heart as they treated her as if she was the most important thing in the world to them. This is what she craved, the feeling of completeness.
“I can’t hold off,” Grant yelled and held onto her hips as she moved with them and they stroked her fires taking her higher and higher.
“Me either,” Jessie gritted out.
“I love you,” Brin cried as she fell over the cliff knowing they would catch her. Their combined passion taking her to a place she had never even knew existed.
Both men cried their love as they came inside of her, exploding yet another orgasm from inside her…
Damn it, Brin thought as she shot out of bed. That dream had been so real, she threw herself back on the bed and moaned with the unfulfilled desire inside her. She had had similar dreams over the weeks but never that detailed and they never felt that real. Those two men were going to be the death of her. What had woken her though? she wondered. A small whimper came from the corner. "I am a terrible mother," Brin huffed aloud as she rose from the bed and went to her son.
Chapter Ten
Diego slammed the phone down. “Where are they?” he yelled, making the men in the office jump.
“Sir, we have done everything we can to find them, it is like they dropped off the face of the earth,” his second said.
“I have been waiting for weeks for them to show themselves. That little gift should have gotten them on the right track. And what about that idiot FBI agent who was snooping around. You told me it would only be a matter of days before we found him, it has been weeks. I cannot stay here for much longer without raising eyebrows. My stupid brother is beginning to get suspicious,” Diego said.
“But,” his second started.
“No, I had this planned. We were supposed to be able to sweep them all together in a nice little bow.” Diego pointed. “One week, you have one week to find someone on my list. This needs to get started. I am growing impatient with the incompetence.”
“We have found the last known hideout of the agent. Our men are going there now,” his man said.
“Good, I want him brought to the warehouse, maybe a live incentive will draw these bastards out.” Diego laughed.
None of the men noticed the red light on the bottom of the desk as they continued to plan. Nor did they know that right down the hall, someone sat listening to the whole thing. Taking notes and frowning.
When Diego called the meeting to an end, the listener took out the phone they had kept turned off for weeks and powered it back up.
Typing quickly, they sent a message to the Team. Soon, they would be able to gather enough evidence to show the authorities what was going on. Because of where they were, any recordings would never be cleared so they could be taken out of the gates. If they didn’t search bags so well, it would have been easy. However, the law was the law.
Even though they were in the United States, the soil where the building sat was on foreign soil. There were so many laws pertaining to Embassies, and none of them were in the listeners' favor.
So they would do what they could, leak as much information as they safely could without being caught and getting killed. Messages were monitored, calls listened to, and bags searched.
However, soon they would be able to get help, an unexpected ally had shown themselves. One that was more than willing to lay their life on the line as the listener was.
Chapter Eleven
“Listen, it has been long enough, slap me some crutches and I will take it easy,” West said.
Brin frowned and looked at her pissed off patient who was lying in the bed.
Arden snorted and rolled her eyes. “In other words, he wants to be mobile so he can go down to the command center and get involved.”
Mason laughed behind a hand he put up to his face. “She got you, bro.”
“Come on,” West whined. “This sucks, I have the pain under control, and the only thing I have not had was a rectal exam. Come on.”
Brin pressed her lips together and looked at Arden who was trying not to laugh as well. It had been hard to keep West in the room as long as they had. If it weren’t for the fact that his pain had been so intense, it would have been a lot worse. The women had all talked about what control freaks the men were.
After he woke a week after being brought to the island, he began to ask when was he going to be allowed to move around. The complaints had only last for two days because when they started cutting back on his pain medication, W
est knew he wasn't ready to get out of the bed. But Brin had started to see the aggravation and restlessness settling in on him just this last week. These men were not meant to be idle.
“Only a few hours at a time. I won't have you overdoing it and ending up back in bed. You still have a lot of healing to do,” Brin said sternly and then laughed when she saw the look of determination on West’s face. He looked like he had just received parole.
“Woot,” West said and waved to Mason. “Get me the crutches.”
“What crutches?” Mason said innocently.
“The ones behind the fucking door you all tried to hide from me last week,” West growled and they all laughed.
“I have a timer, two hours,” Arden said and held up a stopwatch.
“Fine, fine, whatever,” West said and grinned. “I can do a lot in two hours.”
Mason snorted as he helped his best friend up off the bed. When he was finally standing, everyone stepped back and let him take the first tentative steps with the crutches. “Ya, like walking up and down the stairs, by the time you get down there it will be time to come back up.”
“Fuck off,” West muttered and began to move slowly to the door. “Make yourself fucking useful and get the doors.”
“What about the stairs?” Arden asked.
“Hidden elevator in the back,” Mason said and laughed when both women and West turned to look at him in shock. “What, you never asked.”
“Asshole,” West glared at the trio and left the room.
Brin finished cleaning up her mess and then went downstairs to find where everyone was. And she hoped she didn't run in to her men along the way. They were driving her crazy on purpose. Brin knew their little plan to woo her, and she was all for it, until she had to sleep alone. She already had to replace her batteries twice because of the damn dreams of them taking her. They touched her all the time, and at this point, she was going to break one of their hands. Every touch set her body on fire. Not even a full week left, she thought. That is if her nerves didn't just snap.