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Page 10
“He slept four hours!” Brin laughed. “I never thought I would be excited about four straight hours of sleep.”
Jessie laughed and shook his head. “Well, tonight we are going to be back on duty. I miss rocking him at night after you are done feeding him.”
Brin smiled. She loved that, both Grant and Jessie would lay Marcus on their chest and rock him. The pictures she had in her head made her eyes tear a little. She never thought it would be like this with two men. Both of them loved Marcus, both of them paid attention to her. It would be perfect if they didn’t have an unknown threat trying to kill them.
They made it to the beach and settled down. The next few hours were full of laughter and Marcus was perfectly behaved. They talked about everything, their past, their present, and even a little talk about the future. Brin was getting used to the hints they kept throwing out, about Wyoming and the ranch.
Brin found she was actually looking forward to seeing the place where Jessie said he found peace. He loved the horses. Grant was even talking about opening an extension of his practice. His partners seemed to be happy to travel to Wyoming to learn about larger animals.
“Brin,” Jessie said and she turned.
He had a serious look on his face and she looked at Grant who did also. Uh oh, she wasn’t sure she was ready for bad news, today had been too perfect.
“We are curious,” Jessie said slowly.
“About?” Brin said breathlessly.
“Are you ready to take this to the next level?” Jessie asked. Brin sucked in a breath. Over the last few weeks, they had both been touching her, holding hands, and kissing her on the cheek. She had gotten accustom to their affections, and even begun to accept they could actually make this work.
Brin observed the other men, with Sable, Jolie, and Arden. They had worked as a unit, each of the men paying close attention to their women, what they needed, and wanted. Brin had begun to actually crave the attention of both men. So when Jessie asked the question Brin didn’t hesitate. “Yes,” she said and grinned at both men.
Grant nodded to Jessie who leaned forward and kissed her gently on the lips. She sighed at the feathery touch but after waiting for so long, she wasn’t going to do this slowly. She reached up, pulled him close by the back of his neck, and deepened the kiss. It had been too long since she had felt the tingling awareness of being close to Jessie. Their attraction had been forceful before, but this, this was so much more.
Their tongues tangled and moved together in a dance, one she was ready for. Brin leaned in and let Jessie take over. He explored and demanded a response from her. When they broke she was panting, her desire was in her gaze as she turned to Grant who had laid Marcus in his stroller, asleep.
There was no talking as he crawled to her, she wanted to laugh at his serious gaze but thought better of it when he touched her. The zing of awareness shot right to her clit as he circled her waist and pulled her to him.
“I think I have waited a lifetime to kiss you,” he whispered and then took her mouth. She opened at his sudden onslaught as he devoured her mouth. She felt like Grant was staking a claim on her. He was, she thought. Jessie and she had made love before; this kiss promised that soon he would be inside her as well. Taking her body and soul. The thought made her shiver.
When they broke, she was ready to rip off her clothes and tell them to take her. Both men looked at her and smiled. “This is only the beginning,” Jessie said. “Only a few more weeks and we will be together.”
They kissed her again, both of them, slowly and deeply until she was breathless again. What were they doing to her, she wondered through the haze of passion.
“Shit,” Brin groaned. She had forgotten. Damn the post pregnancy hormones, she wanted to cry in frustration but they didn’t let her.
“That doesn’t mean we can’t eventually play a little,” Jessie whispered. “ Just not tonight.”
Brin smiled at the promise, and as the men packed up the picnic, she tried to gather her wits.
A few nights later, the men decided the kisses at the door every night were not enough to get their point across. So tonight, when they walked her to the door, they decided to step up their game and let her know they desired her.
Brin smiled and looked at Jessie when she arrived to the door. Something made her pause, then she saw the look in his eyes, he looked like a predator. She felt something inside her tighten, she wanted him. Then she looked at Grant, shit on a biscuit, he looked at her like she was dessert.
“Uh, well good night,” she said breathlessly before she made a fool out of herself and threw herself into their arms, begging them to take her. What the hell was she thinking?
“Not yet, sweetheart,” Jessie growled. “Invite us in for a while.”
“We promise it will be worth it,” Grant said, stepping closer. Too close, she could feel the heat radiating off both of them and felt her pussy clench. Damn, what they did to her.
“Oh, sure,” she said, stuttering. “But Marcus?” She hesitated.
“Asleep in our room, we want you to get a good night sleep tonight so we put him in there, don’t worry we have the monitor,” Grant said and kissed the back of her neck.
Brin shivered in awareness, they were sex on a stick, and she was dying to take a lick. The door opened with a soft swoosh and she entered in slowly, looking around to make sure she didn’t have anything weird laying out, like her pump or stretch cream.
“So,” she said and turned, Jessie was standing right in front of her and wrapped his arms around her and smiled.
“Honey, you drive me crazy,” Jessie said and smiled, before lowering his head and kissing her deeply. She leaned closer, craving his touch. She felt Grant come behind her and move her hair before kissing her neck.
“Me too,” Grant whispered in her ear as she kissed his friend. The dual sensations amped up her need and she moaned a little.
Jessie devoured her mouth. Thrusting his tongue in quickly, making her wet down low. She hadn’t felt this need since the first time she was with Jessie, but this was so much more because Grant was here too. She let go and allowed herself to feel.
Grant moved his hands around her, cupping and massaging her breasts through her shirt. They were sensitive still. It was crazy how the smooth lace of her bra added to the friction Grant was causing.
Jessie pulled back and turned her quickly, not giving her a chance to protest, she was suddenly facing Grant who quickly took advantage and swooped in on her mouth.
His kiss was just as devastating to her resolve. He was commanding and she could feel the pent up need inside him. His kiss told her how much he wanted her.
Jessie began exploring her body and Brin whimpered. Their touch was setting her on fire. She pulled back and gasped, “We can’t.”
“Don’t worry, sweetheart, we know. We just wanted to let you know how crazy you make us,” Jessie whispered.
“Plus, we wanted to have a little alone time with you, not in the hallway,” Grant said.
“Not fair,” Brin said, dropping her head back on Jessie’s shoulder as they still continued to touch her body through her clothes.
“All is fair in love,” Jessie laughed. “We want you to be just as needy as we are.”
“Now that is just mean,” Brin said indignantly.
“True,” Grant whispered and put his mouth on her throat. “But walking around with a hard-on for days is mean.”
“But I didn’t do that on purpose,” Brin protested and moaned when Jessie kissed the back of her neck, at the most sensitive part.
“Still you fault. You could dress in a paper bag and have the worst bed head in the world and you would be sexy to us,” Jessie whispered.
“I have thought of nothing else than laying you out and seeing what you look like. Reality is so much better than daydreams. Your body is made for us,” Grant said.
“Damn, you are good,” Brin said breathlessly.
“Yeah, we are.” Jessie chuckled.
> They stopped talking and began their onslaught again. Grant and Jessie taking turns kissing her, touching her, getting to know her likes and dislikes. All Brin could do was feel their love, attention. It was amazing, so much better than her dreams.
“Now, we are going to run you a hot bath, full of that girly bubble stuff. Put on some music and leave you alone for the night. Thinking of us, wishing we were here,” Grant said and pulled back. This time she did make a noise of protest.
“None of that,” Jessie teased. “Your wicked ways are not going to tempt us.”
Grant and Jessie did just what they said, drawing her bath and turning down the lights. They kissed her sweetly before flipping on the music and walking out the door.
Brin wanted to yell in frustration. They knew exactly what they had done to her and then left her alone. This was fighting dirty, she thought grumpily and began to take off her clothes. Well, two could play at that game.
The days settled into a pattern, Brin would get up, get the baby ready, and hand him off to the men while she worked with West. It was nice to be able to depend on them, and also meeting Sable, Jolie, Arden, and the other women who had been a godsend. Brin never realized how lonely she was for female support.
Her new friends helped her more than she would have thought possible. They knew how it was, two against one, it wasn’t fair. So she set about getting her revenge. The girls gave her awesome tips. When one of them was working, she would bend over in front of them. Either giving them a shot down her shirt, or brushing her ass against their arms. Of course, she had not realized they liked looking at her ass so much until Jolie pointed it out.
They lent her pretty lacy tank tops to wear, with her breasts being so much bigger now, she had great cleavage. The first time she came down with one of the tops on, she thought Grant would have a coronary. He tried to put a shirt on her shoulders, but she had laughed and patted his cheek. She listened to everything the women had said.
Looking back, she realized that because of her studies, she had been shut off from meeting new people. She had a small group of friends that she studied with and hung out with in college, but like anyone else, they moved on to the real world. It had been that long since they left the little town of Smith and Wesson Township. She worried about the people; it felt like they had left them in a bind. Although, Grant assured her he was still in constant contact with Jabo, and apparently, Sassy loved to text because she received updates hourly from her.
Brin laughed when she felt the buzz in her pocket. There she goes again, she thought and shook her head. Brin would look after she was done working with West. He needed his next round of meds that were due. So far, he had been in and out of consciousness. Both doctors agreed that he should be kept heavily medicated for the pain. However, they were coming up on a week, and would soon back off on some of the meds to see if he would start to come to on his own.
“He is doing better,” Brin said softly to Arden who was helping her. They had to change dressings and IVs.
“I hope so,” Arden said softly and kissed West’s forehead. “He was there because of me. West wanted to get me some answers about my parents.”
Brin frowned and reached out a hand, “No, Arden, this is not your fault.”
Her new friend shook her head and stood up. “My head tells me that, but my heart?”
Brin’s phone buzzed again and she reached for it. “Sorry, Sassy is texting.”
Arden smiled. “Tell her hi, she texts me also.”
Brin frowned and said, “She asked me to call right away.”
“Then you had better, you know how she is.” Arden laughed.
“Yeah, a little high maintenance,” Brin winked and whispered then hit the send button and walked out into the hallway while it connected.
Arden and Brin had talked about the small town that helped them both. When this was all over, both women wanted to go back and visit them under normal circumstances.
“Hey, Sassy,” Brin said cheerfully.
“Brin?” Sassy whispered loudly.
“Uh, yeah?” Brin said quietly.
“You need to have your men call Jabo and find out what is going on. T-bone found something at the motel,” Sassy whispered.
“Who is T-bone?” Brin asked.
“Jabo’s brother, his other brother’s name is Stewie. T-bone and him were assigned to guard the motel, you know while Vince was gone. Last night they got bored, went snooping, and found something,” Sassy hissed impatiently. “You have to have the guys call, Jabo is gonna do something stupid if you don’t.”
Brin rolled her eyes. “Fine, but what did they find?”
“I don’t know, but whatever it is, you guys need to know,” Sassy assured her.
“Sassy, who you talking to?” Brin heard Jabo ask.
“None of your business,” Sassy yelled.
“Damn it, woman. Did you call someone?” Jabo yelled.
“Hey, bozo, you were going to call anyway,” Sassy argued.
“Hey, Sassy?” Brin tried to interrupt.
“I was doing it by the book. You know maintain the crime scene and all that. Woman, I have watched CSI!” Jabo bellowed.
“Yeah, Sass, we have watched CSI!” Another man stepped in. “We are like Grissom and all that shit.”
“T-bone, shut the fuck up,” Sassy yelled. “Your dumbasses probably left your own prints on that stuff.”
“What stuff? Hey, Sassy, Jessie and Grant are coming in right now, let me give them the phone,” Brin said desperately as she ran down the stairs and thrust the phone into Grant's hand as he walked through the door first.
“What?” Grant said smiling.
“It is Sassy, they found something at the hotel,” Brin said.
Jessie frowned and nodded to Grant to talk. “Hey, Sassy?” Grant said smoothly. “Yeah, I heard. Can you give the phone to Jabo?”
“What is going on?” Jessie whispered and Brin shrugged and said.
“All I know is they found something at the motel. Jabo and his brothers were securing it, like CSI, and Sassy didn’t think they were doing it right,” Brin whispered back.
Jessie shook his head, pulled out his phone, and sent a mass text to the guys, they were all somewhere in the house, but this was the fastest way to get everyone into one room.
“This is what they found in the room at the end,” Vince said and pointed to the drawing he had made of his building. “There is a window here, someone broke and slipped in. They could have been in there for days, even a week, and no one would have known. I usually use that room only when we are full on account of the swampland that runs behind the property. You know those gators are ornery cusses, they like to come up and hide on the side of the building. I don’t want people to freak out if they look out the window."
“And the number that texted us the warning is a dead end. Burner phone. The cops say that it was in a fucking machine at the college, anyone could have bought it,” Thane responded, taking over from Vince.
“Have you tried texting them again?” Slone asked.
“Yeah, no one answers, it is turned off,” Thane said. “We tried tracing the signal, there was none. Back to the room, we know how he got in. Now, why?” Thane said firmly and started putting up the pictures Jabo and his brothers sent on the board they had set up.
“What the fuck, it looks like a shrine,” Alex said.
“There was this note tacked to the wall,” Grant said and pointed to a picture. “You are taking too long to admit your transgressions and beg for forgiveness. Apparently you aren’t as smart as I thought you were.”
In the set of pictures was of a gun. The men leaned forward and Gage said softly, “That is an M16, it looks like an American weapon, but see, the numbers are burned off here, and here.”
The men nodded and then looked at the next group of pictures. “That is a set of keys to a scooter,” Mason said confused. “Look at the brand. Those are all over the Middle East.”
Then a set of p
ictures of a bullet casing, “What is that writing?” Thane said.
“It is one of ours, see the NET?” Jessie swore under his breath. “It is from one of our snipers cache.”
“What the fuck is going on? Does anyone know why these are here?” Gage said slowly.
“The last three are coming across now,” David said.
The men waited as they printed. The tension in the air was almost too much for Brin. All these men, just doing their jobs defending their country, and something like this happens. Mark once explained to her why he joined the SEALs. She could almost hear him talking in her ear.
'Sis, I am doing something that matters. The normal person walking down the street has no idea the hatred and violence in the world, especially against America. Their ideals of the perfect world are just a dream. We are the ones who protect that dream,' Mark had said.
They went after the bad guys in the world, and it was dangerous. Looking around the room, she wondered how many people had stopped to thank them at one time or another when they were in uniform? Do people even care about the men and women who put themselves on the line everyday?
“Here we are,” Gage said and began to put up more photos.
Jessie looked up to see Mark and the others looking expectantly at Gage as he worked. They whispered and pointed to the pictures, but Jessie couldn’t hear them. He focused on Gage and tried to block out that they were there. Seeing them hurt him, even though he felt their acceptance of what happened—he hadn't.
The first group was a brick, there was something written on the side, it looked like it had belonged to a sign that was painted on a building. And the last group was a blanket—a baby blanket. It was blue with a satin yellow boarder. She looked around the room but no one seemed to know what they meant.
Finally, Gage stood in shock and looked at the men he served with and shook his head. “What?” demanded Alex who stood up with his hands fisted next to him.
“FUBAR,” Gage said and hung the picture of a man on the board.