Jana Leigh Read online
Page 12
In the kitchen, that was where they congregated most of the time. Brin had been very entertained to hear the discussions everyone had while in the room. They ranged from business with the ranch, to the investigation for the men. The women talked about stretch marks and feeding schedules. Lou was cooking up a storm when Brin walked into the kitchen.
“Wow, who is all this for?” Brin asked. Granted there were a lot of people in the house, but the stacked plates were more than they needed.
“Alex’s family is coming over from the other island,” Lou explained.
Brin had met them a few times, but mostly the men. The women and kids were guarded on the other island. With the exception of two dinners, which had been loud and boisterous, she had not seen them. But she had wanted to get to know them more, they looked like good people.
“Oh, well how can I help? Grant and Jessie have Marcus for a few more hours,” Brin said.
Soon the other women came strolling in. Brin loved this time when all the women were together, they could talk without the men interrupting them.
“What’s new?” Brin said quietly. They all shared information with each other since the men seemed to think they were too delicate to know what was going on.
“They are getting closer to figuring out what the pictures mean. Last night, Alex and Slone said they had narrowed the ops they worked on. They still can’t figure out how they are connected though,” Sable said.
“Drake has been trying to get a hold of Brian Lipit's brother as well. So far nothing, they are tracking his movements with the help of the FBI, but nothing is coming up. And the last thing Joel was looking into was my parents,” Arden said softly.
They all knew Arden was still feeling guilt over the fact that somehow her parents were involved in illegal activities. Not that it was her fault but she still felt guilty.
“I'm not sure but Gage and David were talking last night, I think they are going to have to go to San Diego soon,” Jolie said. They all looked at her in surprise.
“Why?” Brin asked.
“That is where Joel’s apartment is. That is where all the files are,” Sable said.
Brin bit her lip, the thought of Jessie leaving the island had not occurred to her in weeks. They had settled into a pattern here, sure she knew they wouldn’t be staying here forever, but she sincerely thought they would go back to the ranch after they got things settled. The men were retired. They shouldn't be on the front lines anymore. Damn, when she actually thought that she felt a ball form in her stomach. That was not how these guys worked. Retired or not, they would figure this out and help take out the threat. There was no other option.
“Shit,” Brin whispered and felt herself panicking.
“Oh no,” Sable said and came to where she was standing. “What is wrong?”
“All of this,” Brin said, tears gathering in her eyes. “They are trying to move on, trying to form a new life, and here they are dragged back into danger.”
They all knew what she was talking about. They had all lost someone so they knew the risks. If their men were going to help with this, then they would be directly in the line of fire once again. They could lose someone else, one of their men.
“Are you okay with this?” Brin whispered, looking at each woman.
“Hell no,” Jolie said stepping forward. “But we have no alternative. They are coming for us whether we like it or not. Every night I go to bed thinking the next day may be the last time I see Gage or David. They are both cops, but then I see their dedication. The way they talk about their friends, and the people in the community. They are committed to making things right. I can't and won’t take that away from them. It is ingrained in who they are. If I love them, I love all of them.”
Brin nodded, she understood, because damn it over the last few weeks Jessie and Grant had both wormed their way into her heart. What had started out as a one night deal turned into a lifetime commitment of love with two men? Just because Grant was a vet didn’t mean he wasn’t an alpha male. He was, and over the last few weeks she had seen him helping the others figure this out. She had asked him about it before.
His response was that Jessie and the others were trying to figure this out, and as a partner in a ménage, you took the good with the bad. He was involved as much as Jessie was because it could affect him just as much if something happened to Jessie or to her. That protective instinct had kicked in, and nothing they could do would stop that.
“I don’t have to like it though,” she muttered.
Arden and the others laughed. “Join the club.”
Jessie and Grant walked out of the office to go looking for Brin. Marcus was down for his morning nap and they wanted to see what she was up to. Both of them agreed that it bothered them when Brin was out of their sight. Their relationship still seemed so new, even after all the time they spent with her.
They heard the laughter coming from the kitchen and grinned. She was in there with the other women, Jessie liked the fact that Brin got along so well with Sable, Jolie, and Arden.
As they approached the kitchen, they heard Sable laugh. “Yeah, last night Alex and Slone decided they were going to use a few toys they ordered off line. I gotta tell you, it blew my mind.”
“Jess, they are talking about sex!” Grant whispered.
“Yeah,” Jessie said quietly.
“Gage and David like to be all commanding. I gotta tell you when they get that tone in their voice, I am ready. No toys needed.” Jolie laughed.
“Hey at least you are getting some. Not that I am complaining, I mean West is hurt and all. But Mason has decided until his friend is well, we have to abstain,” Arden growled. “I even tried to entice him a few nights ago. West said he didn’t care, even said he wanted to watch, but Mason said it would be cruel.”
“Well, I for one can't wait until my six weeks are up. Big Blue has been lonely. And Arden, maybe next time you should take care of West before you try to get Mason to mess around. If he sees his friend satisfied, I bet he would be more than happy to take care of you,” Brin whispered.
Jessie looked at Grant and mouthed, ‘Mr. Blue’? Jessie shrugged.
“You only have a few more days, Brin,” Sable sympathized. “I love that I am pregnant, but that is one of the things I am not looking forward to. I have talked to several women who have kids. Obviously right after birth they we too busy to care about the whole sex thing. But a month after, they say those last few weeks is enough to drive a person batty.”
“Most doctors advise the wait giving the woman to heal, and chances of infections decrease the longer that a woman waits. Also if there were any incisions at the site would need to be given time to heal also,” Brin said. “Of course, this is by the book. Many doctors say that a woman knows her own body. As long as she is feeling up to it and they use protection, since a woman’s hormones are elevated and pregnancy is possible, it is safe.”
“Really? Then why are you waiting?” Sable asked.
“I needed to heal, but I have now. I was actually thinking that maybe…” Brin said and Jessie burst into the room. Grant was close behind.
“Oh,” Sable laughed. “I think someone heard what we were talking about.”
Brin felt her cheeks burn as she wondered exactly how much they had heard, and then she got her answer. Without taking his eyes off Brin, Jessie said, “Can you watch Marcus for a while?”
“Of course,” Lou laughed.
“Good,” Jessie said and threw Brin over his shoulder and ran for the stairs.
Grant grinned and followed, throwing over his shoulder, “We may need to have dinner sent up.”
The women all laughed, shaking their heads, and took three plates from the stack and set them aside.
Chapter Twelve
“Let me down,” Brin laughed as Jessie ran up the stairs. He didn’t stop until they were in her room. He tossed her on the bed and looked around desperately.
“Where are they?” Jessie growled.
; Grant shut and locked the door and looked at her with a grin. “I think he is talking about the condoms.”
“Uh, should we talk about this?” Brin laughed.
“Sweetheart, you said you were ready to take this to the next level,” Jessie said in a frustrated tone.
“Of course I am. I was just talking about the whole relationship thing. I mean we have spent a lot of time talking about the future,” Brin said hesitantly. “But.”
“But what honey?” Grant said gently and walked toward her.
“I am a mom,” Brin said.
“And we are fathers. You know that we are going to be together, baby. You are ours,” Jessie said and Brin smiled.
“What about—” Brin said.
“I love you, damn it. Grant loves you. Woman, we have shown you six ways from Sunday that we do. Now do you love us?” Jessie yelled, running a hand through his hair as he searched the drawers.
“Of course I do.” Brin laughed as she watched Jessie open and close drawers.
“No problem then and no discussion. WHERE ARE THE DAMN CONDOMS?” Jessie yelled.
“Right here, Jess,” Grant laughed and threw the large box on the bed with a tube of lube.
“Thank you!” Jessie said and pulled off his shirt.
“Wait!” Brin laughed.
“Now what?” Grant said, pulling off his shirt as well.
“Go slow, I have been dreaming about this,” Brin said seductively.
“Seriously?” Jessie snarled.
“Can’t we do the seductive thing the next time?” Grant said hopefully.
Brin pouted her lips. “No, I want the whole thing, right off the bat.”
Jessie took a deep breath, looked at the ceiling, and counted to himself. “Fine,” he said whining. “But just so you know, my case of blue balls is severe and may need some special attention.”
Brin grinned, “No problem there.”
Jessie groaned and then looked at Grant. “You heard her, let's give her a show.”
Grant winked at Brin who settled back on the bed to watch them undress. She wanted to savor this moment. Both men in front of her. She didn’t know where to look first. Jessie unsnapped his pants and pushed them down. Her tongue slipped out of her mouth when she saw he went commando. When her gaze swung to Grant, she noticed he did as well. Hell, she wouldn’t be able to function during the day knowing this.
They walked toward her with a definite look of uncontrolled passion in their eyes. She knew this first time would be wild, so much for going slow, she didn’t want to either, she realized.
Grant stepped to her, lifted her arms up, and swept her shirt over her head while Jessie pulled at her shorts. She was naked except for the scraps of material she called a bra and underwear.
“Sexy,” Grant whispered and worked his hands under her to unhook her bra, freeing her breasts. Jessie kissed his way down her stomach, using his teeth to pull her lacy panties down.
“I agree, fucking sexy,” Jessie growled.
Grant stared at her dark red cherry nipples and licked his lips. She was perfect, he thought as he leaned in and sucked one of the straining tips into his mouth. Brin moaned at the sensation and arched her back a little. Jessie growled again and put a hand on her hip.
“You are a goddess, made for us,” Jessie said huskily, putting his hands under her hips after putting her legs over his shoulders. “Fucking goddess.”
Jessie’s mouth touched her plump lower lips, and he ran his tongue up her slit slowly. Brin whimpered and she could feel him grin against her pussy. Then he surprised her by sucking her clit in his mouth fast.
“Shit,” Brin yelled and Grant raised a head and looked down.
“You have no idea how sexy this is, watching Jessie taste you. I can’t wait until I get to do that, but right now, your luscious breasts are where I need to focus,” Grant whispered, ran a hand up and cupped her full breast.
He ran his thumb over her nipple and she almost came off the bed. Both of them touching her was so much better than the dream. She basked in the pleasure of her nipples receiving attention, and Jessie focusing on her clit.
As her men preformed magic with their mouths, her nerves jangled with lust. She reached up, pulled Grant's head down, and kissed him passionately, needing to feel their connection. She demanded his passion and he gave it to her freely. The fever burned hot as she felt Jessie insert a finger into her pussy.
She squirmed against Jessie’s lips as he tried to drive her to a fast orgasm. Grant kissed down her neck and back to her breast. It only took him licking the tip of her nipple to make her scream a release. Jessie continued to torture her clit until she was ready to go over again and he finally pulled back.
“I can’t wait,” Jessie said, and Grant raised his head and nodded.
Jessie rose, put a condom on and positioned himself between her legs, then whispered. “Wrap those legs around me.”
Anxious to have him inside her, Brin complied. She could feel his back muscles against her feet. She waited for him to enter her, but instead, he paused and smiled down at her.
“I love you,” he said and Brin felt tears gathering in her eyes.
“I love you both,” she whispered and Grant looked down at her with love in his eyes and kissed her gently.
As Grant took her mouth, Jessie slowly entered her. He held her still to make sure she was ready before he began to move. When he felt her relax, Jessie pulled out slowly and then slid back into her as Grant continued to kiss her, touching her nipples, teasing them with his hands with the same luxurious pace as Jessie.
Finally, she tore her mouth from Grant's and yelled, “Damn it, Jessie, faster.”
She heard him chuckle and say, “I was holding back to please you.”
“No, faster please,” she whispered and Jessie groaned, grabbed her hips, and began to move in earnest.
Burning out of control, Brin rocked her hips in the rhythm of his cock. Frantic to feel her release she bucked against him, when he reached up and rubbed her clit at the same time, Brin screamed and her pussy clamped down on Jessie. He continued to prolong her orgasm by stroking her and pounding into her. She spiraled out of control as he came.
She was still panting, needing another release and as he pulled out, she protested when Grant whispered, “I got you, baby.”
He rolled on his back taking her with him. Brin looked down at him and smiled. “Oh yeah,” she whispered, loving the feel of being in control.
“Take what you need, sweetheart,” Grant whispered and kissed her. She moved and shifted until she felt his cock at her opening. She slid down on him and gasped at the feelings, she had never been on top but she liked it, pushing back until he was fully in her.
She felt Jessie touching her back and moaned as he ran a hand to her ass. “I am gonna stretch you a little while you get what you need from Grant.”
Brin could only nod. She allowed him to push her chest down. She kissed Grant again and moved her hips slowly at first, allowing Jessie time to open the lube and pour some down her backside. She gasped at the coldness but it soon warmed up.
Jessie ran a finger around her back hole as she moved on Grant, taking him in her and then using her muscles to grip him as he slid out of her.
In her position, the friction from Grant's stomach grinding against her clit, made her feel more and more needy. When Jessie pushed a finger into her ass, she moaned and moved faster. It pinched a little, but she loved the feeling of having them both in her. She wished it were Jessie’s cock as she moved faster. Thinking about her dream, about how it would make her feel.
Grant held her hips as she moved faster, reaching to feel her release yet again. She felt him rising up to meet her as she impaled herself on his cock again and again. When she felt the burn of a second finger being put in her ass, she couldn’t stop yelling and thrusting until she felt Grant tense and yell that he was going to come. They fell over the cliff together, holding themselves as they climaxed.
sp; Brin fell onto Grant's chest, unable to speak as Jessie slid his fingers slowly out of her ass, and then Grant moved her enough to slip from under her, getting up to remove his condom. She heard the water running and when she felt the warm cloth cleaning her, she tried to raise her head.
“Shhh,” Jessie said and then finished. “We need a nap before we go again. And sweetheart, I am so not done with you yet.”
Brin smiled when she heard Grant's agreement and snuggled in between her men, she felt content and relaxed, allowing herself to drift off as they settled on either side of her.
Brin stretched and then sat up, “Marcus?”
“In the nursery. I have the monitor,” Jessie said and rubbed her arm as she laid back down between them. It felt right, complete.
“Is Sammi in there too?” Brin asked.
“Yep, tomorrow we will move our stuff from the room next door and make that his room for now,” Grant said sleepily.
“Really?” Brin teased. “Were you invited to move in here with me?”
“We don’t need an invite, this is where we belong,” Jessie said and grabbed her around the waist and pulled her until she lay across his chest and was looking down at him. “You know that right? We belong together.”
Brin smiled and then nodded. “Forever.”
“And beyond,” Grant said and kissed her back. “I think we need to show her how it is gonna be from now on, Jess.”
"Me too, toss the condoms," Jessie said with a smile.
Grant grabbed the box of the nightstand. "Here you go," Grant said, tossing one to Jessie while using his teeth to open his and roll it on.
Jessie caught his as he moved Brin to the side to sheath himself.
“Now, pony up, baby,” Jessie said and laughed at the indignant look on her face. “I mean, come here, woman that I love, let us show you what you have signed up for.”
Brin laughed and shook her head, and reached down and stroked them. They both smiled at her explorations and shook their heads in amusement.