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Jana Leigh Page 14

Ted and Marie leaned over and both kissed their child. Jolie sighed when she felt their hand on her shoulder. “I will take care of her.”

  Mark smiled and looked at Brin. “Hey, sis, you know I love you. It is time for me to leave now. There is just one thing I need you to do for me.”

  Brin nodded with tears in her eyes, “Whatever you want.”

  “I need you to be happy. Our sister is gonna call soon. She will need a place to stay,” Mark said.

  “Don’t worry, she can come with us. I will make sure she gets everything she needs. I will make sure she finishes college.” Brin nodded.

  “I know, but that is how you are. Even when we were kids you tried to take care of me, the older brother.” Mark smirked.

  “That is 'cause you needed a keeper.” Brin laughed through her tears.

  “True,” Mark said. “Marcus is amazing. He takes after his namesake of course. But sometimes you need to take care of you. Jessie and Grant will help you with that. I want you to let them. You are so special, sis, and you have such a big heart, sometimes I think too big. Then I look at the people you have helped and I am so proud. You did it. Without me, without our parents—just you.”

  Brin closed her eyes and sobbed as she leaned against Grant who was next to her. She felt her brother in front of her and she looked again. Mark took her hand and held it to his face.

  “But I never told you how you saved me. When we were younger, we knew our parents were all about appearances. Your strength and encouragement was what allowed me to go and pursue my dreams. You knew what you were going to do, and I was lost, wandering through life without a purpose. Do you remember what you said to me on my graduation?” Mark said and Brin shook her head. “You said, ‘brother, it is time to make your mark on the world. Do something that shows everyone who you are.’ Well I did, Brin. I helped people, did what I wanted to do, and died doing what I did best. Don’t feel sad I am gone, I want you to feel the same way I feel about you, proud to be your brother.”

  “I am proud of you, Mark. I have always been proud of you. No matter what our father said, you did do something to make your mark on the world.” Brin sobbed.

  “Teach Marcus the same thing, tell him about me?” Mark said.

  “Count on it,” Grant said with a choked tone when Brin couldn’t say anything. Seeing her brother again, getting to hear him one more time was a gift. One she would never be able to explain to anyone. But the people in the room knew, they understood. Sable, Jolie, Arden, they all nodded and smiled. They knew what this last message would mean. Brin cherished it. “I love you, Mark.”

  “Oh, sis, ditto,” he said and stood. “Jessie, take care of her, you and Grant, don’t let her get away with taking care of everyone else.”

  “I won’t, man,” Jessie said, not ashamed of the tears flowing down his face.

  “Also, I need you to hear this, we all do. None of you were to blame. This whole thing is not your fault. It was our time, we did what we had been put in the world to do, and even though it doesn’t make sense, we died so you could find each other and live,” Mark said and looked around the room. “All of you need to forgive yourselves, and live for us. Make sure that what we died for was not in vain, that it meant something.”

  Finally, Brian stepped forward and put a hand on Drake's shoulder. “Buddy, I need your help, my brother needs your help.”

  “I know,” Drake said softly.

  Tulu and Bea let out a loud sigh and the men disappeared. The room was silent except for the ticking of a clock. They were running out of time, it seemed to be telling them.

  “He loved you,” Brin said to Jessie who was standing in their room later that night. Brin had helped him pack. Grant had taken care of Marcus, settling him in for the night before coming back in the room and shutting the door.

  “I loved him too,” Jessie said, closing his eyes and trying to hold it together.

  “No, in this room you are allowed to be and do what you have to,” Brin said. “Just like I am allowed not to be the one who takes care of everyone in here. In here, we can just be.”

  Grant came up behind her, wrapped his arms around her, and hugged her tightly. “Jess, you have to let the guilt go.”

  “Then what will I have?” Jessie whispered.

  “Us,” Brin said and pulled him close so they were all hugging each other. It felt right, their small family together, healing each other. Even though Jessie was leaving in the morning, they had tonight, and Brin wanted to have this night with her men.

  “Grant, let’s give our lady exactly what she wants. A night to remember,” Jessie said and kissed the end of her nose. She sighed and smiled.

  They moved her to the bed, laid her down, and settled her in the middle of the bed before each kissing her and then standing back up. Grant went to the small stereo, tuned into soft romantic music, and then dimmed the lights.

  Jessie took a book of matches and lit the candles she hadn't noticed placed around the room. It gave the room a soft glow. The effects were like something she would have only dreamed of a man doing for her.

  “Nice,” she whispered and they stood at the foot of the bed and nodded. She crawled to the end of the bed and reached for Grant’s shirt and he slapped her hands gently.

  “You first,” he said huskily and pulled at her shirt. Jessie pushed her until she was once again in the middle and they slowly undressed her, making sure they stroked and kissed her as they went. Paying special attention to her breasts. Fours hands on her body made her feel like she was the center of their universe, which is what they intended. She gasped when she felt one of them run a finger down her slit slowly.

  First Grant kissed her deeply, taking her breath away, and then they switched before she could even think and Jessie was kissing her, devouring her mouth slowly, making it seem like he was memorizing the way she tasted.

  Brin sighed with delight at the feelings the men were creating. Already the sexual tension in the room was rising, and the way their hands felt, she could almost come with just their touch.

  “I need you,” she whispered, opening her eyes to see them staring at her intently with love and lust showing blatantly.

  Grant continued to touch her as Jessie pulled back and undressed slowly for her. She moaned when he undid the buttons on his jeans. She wanted to trace the light fine hair that led to his cock with her tongue. She watched as he pulled himself out and stroked his cock slowly, looking at her in the eyes. She watched as he rolled a condom down his length, thinking it was more than sexy watching him do that. He moved slowly and took over where Grant was stroking her breasts and kissing her neck.

  Brin reached and grasped his cock in her hand. Loving the feel of his passion as she moved her hand slowly up and down, pumping him as he touched her. She turned her head and watched Grant as he slowly undressed as well.

  This is what she wanted. Both men were caught in a web of love and passion. The only ones who existed right now were the three of them, in this room their love would last a lifetime because they were meant to be together. If she had any doubts, they flew out the window with the feeling of perfection as Grant finished undressing and then joined them again on the bed. Once again, four hands touched her.

  Grant turned so he was laying on his back and pulled her to him. “Ride me,” he whispered and she nodded.

  “With pleasure,” she said and crawled up his body, straddling him and rubbing her nipples slowly across his chest. “I love you.”

  “I love you too,” Grant whispered.

  Brin looked over her shoulder and smiled. “I love you.”

  “Oh, sweetheart, I love you so much,” Jessie said, running a hand down her back.

  She nodded and moved until she was poised above Grant's cock and slowly slid down over him until he was fully seated inside her. Jessie pushed her forward a little and she kissed Grant, exploring his mouth with leisure knowing that Jessie would make sure she was ready.

  She felt the cool gel slide down her ass and
she moaned. Their bodies were so hot, it felt like an ice cube on her body, she shivered in anticipation. Jessie pressed a finger in her backside, sliding it in and out, making sure she was coated before he pulled back out. He moved behind her and she felt him grasp her hips. The head of his cock nudging her opening, he pushed against the ring and when she relaxed, she felt him slide inside her. He moved slowly, gradually inching in until she accepted his full length.

  Brin felt completely filled when they were both inside her. Their connection wrapping around them, embracing them. For just a few moments, they remained still, adjusting to the erotic sensations that were flowing around. Then both men took a deep breath and pulled their cocks out and then together slowly filled her once again. She gasped at the sensation.

  They allowed her to catch her breath after they had both stolen it. They settled into a pace then. One sliding in and the other out. Creating a new sensation. She didn’t know how they did it, but they created friction and then like they planned it, both would pull out and once again enter her together. It drove her crazy not being able to figure out when they would do that.

  They held her tightly between them, scarcely allowing her to move. They took over. Her body was on sensory overload, and would not have been able to move anyway. The delicious feelings they invoked were amazing, exquisite, perfection. Being possessed by two men like this was indescribable. She would never be able to explain the love that escaped out of every one of her pores. It could be bottled and sold for millions, she thought.

  Squeezing her internal muscles, Brin was rewarded with groans from both her men. She felt the power for an instant. Grant nudged her chin up and took her mouth in a deep, possessive kiss. His tongue thrust in and out matching the stroke of their cocks. Jessie kissed her neck, and shoulders, licking and sucking gently until she felt like she was going to explode.

  Brin broke off the kiss to gasp for a breath, and then continued gasping as the men’s powerful strokes had her cresting fast into an orgasm. The climax roared through her, making her pussy ripple and her ass clench. She stiffened and wave after wave of the release rolled through her body.

  She collapsed in a heap of limbs, spent and wiped out. However, the love rolled over them as they stayed connected for a little while longer.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Diego smiled for the first time in a long time. Things were finally looking up. His second had called him a few hours ago to let him know that there was some movement on the base where the imbecile was stationed. The security was being tightened and one of the workers was talking on the phone in a coffee shop. They told whoever they were speaking to that something big was going on.

  It could only mean one thing. The team was returning to San Diego, right where he wanted them. Would they know he wondered what their fate was when they stepped on the plane? Would they know they were playing into his hand?

  It was the perfect storm, all of the little players of his personal chess match would be right where he could reach out and touch them if he wanted to. His only regret was that by now the families were all safe, but no matter. A minor setback, one he could rectify in the years to come. It would give him great pleasure to tie up loose ends in the future.

  “Does anyone know when they are arriving though?” Diego said, wondering if he should get them a small token to welcome them home.

  “Sometime tomorrow is all I can figure out. The shifts have been shortened and they are overlapping on the base. One of the larger homes has been opened for someone important who is coming. I am assuming it is them, there are no indications of anyone else coming,” his second said.

  “We need more information,” Diego growled.

  “I got you covered. One of the agency’s they use to clean the houses needed a maintenance man. I sent one of ours in. He should be making sure we will have eyes and ears on the home,” his second said.

  Diego grinned, the man was an idiot most of the time, but every once in a while he would use his head. “Good. Watch the airports, we need to know right when they get here. I may be able to have something planned just for their arrival.” Diego laughed and he hung up.

  He rubbed his hands together and laughed loudly. Things were finally coming together, the start of their revenge war was going to begin, and he would be the victor. When his father found out he had avenged him, Diego knew the man would finally tell him that he had been wrong about him.

  Diego had surpassed anything his father had ever done. People worshipped him, listened when he spoke, and paid to stay on his good side. The power was heady and tangible. Diego would never give it up, though soon he would never have to. Everyone would be afraid to piss him off. The way it should be.

  He picked up the phone and called one of the men he hired when he arrived. “Do you know where he is yet?”

  “The dude at the ATM was identified. He led us back to a small apartment. I think Lipit is in the building hiding. One of the men who I paid to watch the place said they go to the diner on the corner regularly and meet people. The dude always orders coffee,” the pawn said.

  “Fine, make sure. I need to send a message, and this would be perfect. They need to know the kind of hell they are walking into.” Diego grinned. “Do you have the product?”

  “It just arrived this morning. If I can get close enough—” the pawn said.

  “There are no ifs, you must get close enough. I want them to know the kind of power I wield,” Diego said.

  “I understand,” the pawn said.

  “You better, or you will no longer be useful to me,” Diego said and slammed the phone down.

  Chapter Sixteen

  They all woke in the morning with a heavy heart. The men knowing they were leaving the safety of the island. While the ones they left behind hoped it wouldn't be the last time they saw their loves.

  Alex’s parents and family had come over. They stood on the runway with the rest of them. Brin tried to keep her tears at bay, but it didn’t work. All of the emotion from the last few days was wearing on her. She had no clue how this was going to end, and it scared her.

  Marcus was wrapped in a blanket and Jessie was holding him in his arms while talking to everyone. She held up her phone and snapped a picture. Over the last weeks, she had made sure there were plenty of pictures of Marcus, Jessie, and Grant stored in her phone. It seemed important to her to have them.

  She felt a breeze lift her hair and she looked around. She felt a soothing feeling flow around her and she knew it was Mark, letting her know he was going to be with Jessie. It made her smile and feel a little better, but the worry was still there. Like the first time Mark went off on a mission.

  He hadn't been able to tell her where he was going, or what he was dealing with. Compared to now it seemed like that had almost been easier. Even though her imagination would run rampant when she watched the news, thinking anything bad could have been something her brother was involved in. But this, she knew exactly what they were going into. All of the women did.

  Sable, Jolie, Arden, they all had spoken in hushed tones this morning about their worry. None of them wanting the men to hear what they were thinking. It would have made it harder on them. But still, when she listened to them talk this morning, she knew exactly what they were talking about.

  Last night had been amazing. Jessie and Grant had loved her well into the night with almost a desperation. The same feeling she was having now. Early this morning when Jessie woke her, Grant had kissed her softly, and went to take care of Marcus, leaving them time alone to talk. Not that they had done much of that. No, Jessie had assured her the only way he knew how to, by showing her.

  It had been tender and loving, something she would always cherish, but she knew that they would have more time. They had too. She wasn't ready to lose him as she had Mark. Jessie and the others were determined to end this and move on. They were ready to be normal men again, not super heroes.

  “Brin?” Jessie said and she snapped her head up and nodded. “Come here,

  She plastered a smile on her face, walked forward, and then frowned when Jessie handed Marcus to Tulu who was grinning from ear to ear.

  “What?” she said, narrowing her eyes.

  Jessie laughed and nodded to Grant who was suddenly next to him. Brin looked around and saw all of their friends and family were standing back smiling and watching. When she looked back both Jessie and Grant were down on one knee.

  Brin opened her mouth in surprise but Jessie smiled and she lost all train of thought. She probably looked like a fish.

  “Brin Plater, you and Marcus have become the center of our universe. Neither of us can imagine our lives without you in it,” Jessie started.

  “Our days are filled with laughter and happiness now, where before they seem dull and lifeless,” Grant said.

  “Our nights are filled with passion and love,” Jessie said.

  “Our past prepared us to find you,” Grant said.

  “Our future holds the promise of a lifetime,” Jessie said.

  “Will you do us the honor of…” Grant said and then Jessie held up a little blue box and opened the lid.

  “Of becoming our wife,” Jessie and Grant said together.

  Brin couldn’t see the ring through the tears and she couldn’t speak. All she could do was nod and cry. Both of them stood and wrapped their arms around her as she sobbed. It had been perfect, everything a woman could have wanted in a proposal. All except for them remaining together. Brin pushed that last thought in the back of her brain.

  “I love you both,” she said finally.

  Jessie and Grant took turns telling her they loved her as they kissed her. Jessie pulled the ring out of the box and she laughed. It was perfect, an emerald surrounded by diamonds. They slid it together on her finger as their friends cheered behind her.

  Brin turned and smiled, Jessie and Grant stood behind her, each with a hand on her shoulder. “Congrats,” they said and clapped.